Posts tagged Voices of Fibro
Myrna Lopez Cartagena

My name is Myrna Lopez Cartagena, and I live in Lake Mary, Florida.  I am currently single, I have three daughters and five grandchildren. I love to spend time with my grandchildren, cook, dance, sing, sew and travel. I first realized something was different with my health when my body began to feel different and I experienced extreme pain. I was diagnosed in 1997, I was 40 years old.

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Ingrid Campos

I have an unconventional life which I love. I have my Clan which includes my immediate family, my adult children, and my best closest friends. In them I find all the support I need, and I consider myself so very lucky to have them. I live with my bestie and roomie extraordinaire, who has been my caretaker many times. My mom and one of my brothers live 2 doors down while my children live just one town over.

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Lauren Tait

I absolutely love spending an endless amount of time getting caught up in hours of conversation with friends and family. I grew up on beautiful Lake Wawasee, which has made me have a deep love and passion for water so anything that I can do on a body of water, count me in! I also love the west, specifically hiking up the mountains and skiing down them.

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Liz Derry

My name is Liz, and I live in Ontario, Canada.   I am 69 years old. I’m not married. My last relationship ended in part because of my illness; he was very active, and I became extremely un-active. No kids. I’m retired now, although I had to go onto disability before then. I have had FMS for nearly 40 years; no one had ever heard about it when I got sick.

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Charlotte "Charley" Ackroyd

My name is Charley, I am 23yrs old.  I have fibromyalgia, damaged muscles and nerves in my neck, leading half way down my spine and my arms and hands, asthma, and I also suffer with anxiety and depression, I am still in the middle of tests for other conditions, as I know that I am dealing with a lot more than just fibromyalgia and its symptoms. This illness has changed me, most of the time I don’t feel like my own age and according to some people, I don’t look my age either.  But it’s surprising what a fake smile and some make-up can do, it can make you look like a normal, happy, and healthy person.

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Rhonda Richardson-Burns

Rhonda has been married for 16 years and has 3 children and 5 grandchildren whom her and her husband love dearly. Rhonda works full-time as a Sr. Account Executive for an IT firm.  Her job keeps her very busy but luckily she is able to work from home most days. Rhonda is also an adjunct professor at a local college and recently joined another local university as an adjunct. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading, crocheting, things that keep her mind active. Also swimming and yoga.

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